The projects are designed to be low on resources and technology free. These are developed keeping the learning outcomes of the specified age group in mind. We have attempted to make the projects engaging and related to multiple subjects and learning. Each of the projects is across approximately a week for about an hour a day, these can help in contexts without online-schooling options or supplement it.

We intend for these projects to be adapted and contextualized to your context. Please do share feedback of student work and updated projects using the following link: Feedback Form

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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Refugee's in Today's Society

Learners will explore what it means to be a refugee, how refugees are protected by international human rights and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges they face.

Leading Question

What is a refugee and how do people become refugees? What is it like to live as a refugee?

Total Time Required:
4 hours over 4 days
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (Medium)
Social Sciences, Social Emotional Learning, Literacy
Resources Required
Pen Writing
Be Your Own Author (Level 3)

Learners will explore elements of storytelling including characters, plot, literacy techniques and creatively author their own wordless or illustrated books.

Leading Question

What makes a story interesting?

Total Time Required:
5 hours over 5 days
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (Low)
Literacy, Art and Design
Developed By
EAA Team
Resources Required
Gender Equity

Learners identify and explore gender stereotypes. They build their empathy skills as a way to combat generalizations and assumptions about others. The unit closes by having learners reflect on healthy relationships, which are a manifestation of empathy and trust. By identifying safe people in their lives, learners can build support networks helping them to avoid harmful situations, resist bullying and escape violence.

Total Time Required:
4 hours over 4 days
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (Medium)
Social Emotional Learning, Literacy
Resources Required
Artificial Intelligence

Learners will explore the basic mechanics of artificial intelligence to mimic human-like behaviors, and consider its promise and potential challenges.

Leading Question

Can computers display intelligence like humans to solve challenges?

Total Time Required:
4.5 hours over 4 days
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (Low)
Resources Required
Make Your Own Poem

Learners will get excited about poems, by beginning to explore different aspects of a poem including imagery, rhyming words, and rhythm to make their own different poems.

Leading Question

Can I write a poem on my own?

Total Time Required:
5.5 hours over 5 days
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (Medium)
Literacy, Art and Design
Light Bulb
Powering Against Blackouts (Part 2)

What can you do to minimize blackouts?

Leading Question

In this project, learners will explore the environmental and sustainability tensions around the generation of electricity and craft recommendations for local officers who are trying to address the issue of blackouts.

Total Time Required:
5.5 hours over 5 days
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (Medium)
Science, Literacy
Developed By
EAA Team
Resources Required
Light bulb
Powering Against Blackouts (Part 1)

In this project, learners will become familiar with scientific definitions and skills related to the understanding of electricity and the reasons why blackouts occur in their communities or around the world.

Leading Question

What is the best power grid structure for your community?

Total Time Required:
10 Hours over 5 days
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (Medium)
Mathematics, Science, Literacy
Resources Required
Infection Illustration
Understanding Infections and Vaccines

Learners will understand what an infection is and learn how vaccines play a role in reducing infection rate.

Total Time Required:
5 hours
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (High)
Developed By
EAA Team
Resources Required